Funny story: Making a choice between Heaven or Hell

One day, not too long ago, a Human Resource Manager was unexpectedly struck by a bus and tragically lost her life. Before she even had time to comprehend what had happened, she found herself standing at the gates of heaven. The golden gates shimmered before her, and St. Peter himself stood at the entrance, greeting her with a kind smile. “Welcome,” St. Peter said, “but we have a little problem. You see, we’ve never had an HR Manager make it this far before, and we’re not quite sure what to do with you.” The woman looked at him, surprised. “Oh, I see,” she replied. “Can’t you just let me in?” St. Peter shook his head gently. “I’d like to,” he said, “but I have higher orders. The rules say that you must spend one day in hell and one day in heaven. After that, you will have to choose where you’d like to spend eternity.” The HR Manager hesitated. “Actually, I think I’d prefer heaven,” she said. “Sorry,” St. Peter responded, “but we have rules.” And with that, he gestured toward an elevator, which suddenly appeared beside them. Before she could protest further, the doors opened, and she was gently ushered inside. The elevator began its descent. When the doors opened again, she stepped out into what she least expected, paradise. Before her lay a stunning golf course stretching as far as the eye could see. In the distance, she spotted a grand country club, its walls gleaming in the sunlight. As she stood in awe, familiar faces appeared former colleagues, old friends, and successful executives from her past. They were all dressed elegantly, looking happy and full of life. They rushed to greet her, embracing her warmly and showering her with affection. They reminisced about the past, laughed about old times, and invited her to play a round of golf. Everything felt perfect, the game was flawless, and the weather was ideal. Afterward, they moved to the luxurious country club where she was treated to a lavish meal of steak and lobster. The Devil himself appeared, but to her surprise, he was charming and charismatic. They laughed, danced, and enjoyed a night of fine entertainment.

Before she knew it, her time was up. The elevator reappeared, and with a chorus of farewells, she was sent back up to heaven. Arriving at the pearly gates once again, St. Peter welcomed her back. “Now it’s time for you to spend a day in heaven,” he said. Her day in heaven was peaceful. She floated on soft clouds, played the harp, and sang alongside angels. The air was calm, the environment serene. It was all very pleasant but as time passed, she realized something. Though heaven was undeniably beautiful, it was quiet, still, and uneventful. At the end of the day, St. Peter returned. “You’ve now experienced one day in hell and one day in heaven,” he said. “It is time to choose. Where will you spend eternity?” The HR Manager hesitated for a moment before making her decision. “Well,” she admitted, “heaven is lovely, but honestly, I had more fun in hell. I choose hell.” “As you wish,” St. Peter said simply, pressing the button to send her back down. The elevator doors closed and she descended once more. As they reopened, however, she was met with horror. Gone were the lush golf courses, the elegant country club, and the laughter of her friends. Instead, she found herself standing in a wasteland an endless expanse of filth and garbage. The air was thick with the stench of decay. Her old friends were still there, but they were no longer dressed in fine suits and elegant dresses. They were now clothed in rags, their faces worn with exhaustion as they struggled to collect trash into battered sacks.

The HR Manager was in shock. “I don’t understand,” she stammered. “Yesterday, there was a golf course, a country club, steak and lobster, music, and laughter! Everything was perfect! Now, there’s nothing but misery and suffering! What happened?” The Devil appeared beside her, placing a firm hand on her shoulder. With a smirk, he replied, “Yesterday, we were recruiting you. Today, you’re staff.” A wave of realization washed over her. The luxurious paradise she had experienced before had been nothing more than a carefully crafted illusion, a recruitment tactic, designed to deceive. Now, the truth was revealed, and there was no turning back. The HR Manager hung her head, understanding at last the price of being fooled by appearances. She had made her choice, and now she had to live or rather, exist with it for eternity.

Moral of the story:

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